Dear NEMA Residents,

These are stressful times with all the cancellations going on in our community and in our nation as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

We know many of you will be working from home as some offices close, and we want to make sure that NEMA Chicago provides the safest environment possible in light of increased numbers of residents in the building. Some scientists are predicting that as much as 50% or more of Americans may get COVID-19, and while it appears to be marginally more dangerous than the flu to older adults primarily, most people recover as if they had the flu. In light of the hysteria, we want to keep that in mind.

Nonetheless, we continue to monitor official news about the COVID 19 outbreak as well as the guidance offered by governmental agencies and healthcare professionals. Based on that guidance, we would like to remind you of certain common-sense practices that we should all be undertaking. In addition, we are going to implement the following building policies, all in an effort to prevent community transmission andensure the safety and wellbeing of the community.


Please cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and then put your used tissue in a waste basket. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve and not your hands. And in all cases, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.

Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after coughing or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Routinely clean all frequently touched surfaces in your apartment, such as your desk, phone, computer mouse and keyboard and doorknobs using cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas and follow the directions on the label.

We have increased the cleaning of key common areas, and please note that one advantage of our fob system is that you do not need to touch elevator buttons as in most other buildings, further reducing opportunities for disease transmission.

You should remain out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings and maintain approximately six feet from others when possible.

If you start to feel sick or start to have any symptoms of COVID 19 (i.e., coughing, fever or breathing difficulties), you should be checked by your doctor, notify building management and otherwise stay in your apartment until you are free of such symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of over-the-counter symptom-altering medicines.

If you are diagnosed with COVID 19, you should either stay in your apartment or seek additional medical care (whichever your doctor recommends) and notify building management of such diagnosis.

You should visit the CDC website from time to time for up-to date information and other best practices.


Organized resident events will be put on hold. All food deliveries must be picked up in the lobby and food delivery personnel will not be allowed in elevators.

Common areas are for residents only and guests will no longer be permitted in the common areas. At this time, we are keeping the amenities open, but would suggest that residents use them on an as needed basis and strictly adhere to the common sense practices above in order to be most mindful of the community.

When using the gym, you should use your own yoga/exercise mats and wipe down all equipment after using it. We encourage residents to feel free to remind neighbors about the rules.


We also want you to know that a resident in the building has made the decision to self-isolate due to having mild flu-like symptoms. This resident has not tested positive for COVID 19, but is prudently and responsibly staying in the resident’s unit for the next 14 days, as recommended by CDC guidelines. We are thankful that the resident was considerate enough of the community to immediately notify building management, and we encourage all other residents who start to feel sick or start to have any flu like symptoms self-isolate to follow the same community minded approach.

As we emphasized at the beginning of this letter, we must all take care of each other and be vigilant good neighbors. We are going to do our part as we operate the building to the greatest extent possible, and ask residents to do their part, and to be understanding, kind and considerate in this stressful time for our city and our country. We will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis and will update you accordingly if additional changes occur. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call us.

Best regards,
Mark Mybeck
Property Manager

NEMA Chicago
1210 South Indiana Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605